The past two weeks were pretty cool. I got to hang out with my wifey friends Jazz oh and Erin back in my old neighborhood. We always get flirty and talk really loud, but theres nothing wrong with 3 wives right? The next week me and Jason (j boo) drove out to Santa Barbara and played with his good friend Shing02. I've been sporting this vintage motorcycle jacket my best friend Tosha gave me for my birthday, definitely a must have in my closet. Thank you soo soo much! I feel like such a bad ass!!!
Yay! I filmed my first video and I'm happy to show it to you guys. I was inspired to film the video in sort of a "short film from the 90's" sorta way. Since I'm rocking the sinead o'conner due I wanted the video to be very simplistic. I wanted to rep my home town and keep it classy so downtown LA's fashion district was just the place to walk around and strut my stuff. Filming a video is like getting a tattoo your nervous/scared because you don't know what to expect,but totally excited. I can't wait to shoot another one! Enjoy
This is my train of thought for 2011. Softness and comfort. Never stop winning. Confidence to move forward. Leaving your mark. Use your gifts.Keep dreaming. Shine brighter. And always always always experiment!